Plastic Overmolding Service

Improve product durability, aesthetics, and functionality by combining multiple materials in a single integrated piece.

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the Process of Overmolding

In plastic part manufacture, overmolding is the process of molding one material (generally a substrate) over another (often a softer or different colored material) to form a single integrated piece. This approach improves durability, appearance, and functionality by integrating the features of two materials.

LUSHI company employs thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) and thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) for overmolding in low-volume and customized finishes. These materials offer flexibility, durability, and color versatility, meeting specific design requirements. LUSHI's engineers offer seamless integration with other process like finishes, resulting in high-quality, customized products tailored to individual needs.

Benefits of Overmolding Service

Overmolding in low volume manufacturing has many benefits, including increased product longevity, improved aesthetics, and customizability. It enables the use of different materials, giving designers and users more design and functionality options. Overmolding also allows for the cost-effective production of small batches, as it reduces tooling and setup costs as compared to standard manufacturing methods.

Limitation of Overmolding Service

A limitation of overmolding process is the complexity and cost of tooling and setup for each individual design. Also, certain materials may not adhere well or have compatibility concerns, which limits material options. Overmolding may not be suited for high-volume production due to slower cycle times.

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Design tips for plastic overmolding parts

Material Compatibility

Ensure that the substrate and overmold materials are compatible for optimal adherence and performance.


Minimize undercuts and sharp angles to promote mold release and prevent damage to parts during demolding.

Draft Angles

Incorporate draft angles to aid with part ejection and limit the possibility of flaws such as sink marks.

Wall Thickness

Maintain a consistent wall thickness to ensure equal material flow and avoid warping or uneven shrinkage.


To enhance part strength and aesthetics, design the overmold to completely cover key sections while avoiding unnecessary thickness.

Bonding Surfaces

Provide enough bonding surfaces between the substrate and the overmold to provide a strong bond and prevent delamination.

Gate Placement

Gates should be strategically placed to eliminate cosmetic faults and flow markings while retaining structural integrity.

Testing and Validation

Conduct extensive testing and validation to guarantee that the final overmolded product fulfills performance and quality standards.

Post Processing for Injection Molded Parts

LUSHI's post-processing for plastic parts includes surface finishing, painting, and plating, which enhance aesthetics, functionality, and durability, ensuring high-quality, tailored solutions for various applications and industry requirements.


Standard Finish

Tooling or mold polishing are common methods used to generate a smooth or matte surface texture for injection molded products. These finishes are excellent for many sectors without the need for extra surface treatment since they offer a clean look and basic functionality for a wide range of applications.



The SPI grade A indicates a high-quality finish suitable for applications requiring a polished appearance, minimal surface defects, and fine texture. It ensures parts meet aesthetic and functional standards.



SPI B surface finish standard denotes a medium polish finish with clearly visible tool marks eliminated. It provides a smooth surface ideal for general-purpose uses when minimal roughness and visual appeal are required.



SPI Class C refers to a surface finish standard for injection molded parts. It involves a medium level of polish, suitable for parts requiring a smooth finish with some visible tooling marks acceptable. This standard is commonly used in consumer goods and industrial applications.


MoldTech (Mold Texturing)

Injection molds are given complex patterns or textures using a process known as mold texturing, or mold technology. Through improved surface smoothness, grip, and overall aesthetics, this procedure improves the look and performance of injection molded parts for a variety of applications across industries.


VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure)

The VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) offers rules and standards pertaining to design, manufacturing, and quality assurance for injection molded products. The production of injection-molded components is guaranteed to be consistent, reliable, and compliant with industry best practices thanks to these standards.


Laser Engraving

Laser engraving offers precise and permanent marking solutions, ideal for part identification, branding, or aesthetic enhancements. It provides high-resolution designs with minimal material removal, ensuring durability and maintaining part integrity.

Precision manufacturing for custom plastic injection lolding service