SLS 3D Printing Service

Get free instant quote for your prototypes and end-use parts with our Selective Laser Sintering SLS 3D Printing Service, manufacturing in precision, durability and fast delivery.

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What is
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

SLS 3D printing service refers to a type of additive manufacturing service that utilizes Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technology to create intricate three-dimensional objects. Essentially, SLS 3D printing service provides users with the ability to produce complex, geometrically precise, and durable components out of a wide range of powdered materials, without the need for any support structures. It gives the possibility to produce low volume items in a cost-effective manner without investing in expensive moulding tools.

The process goes with a high-power laser or multi-laser to selectively melt the metal powder laid on the platform. This process continues layer by layer, according to the pre-set 3D slice parameters, until all layers are completely fused together. After each layer, the platform sinks accordingly and the scraper recoats the metal powder. The thickness of the new coating is 20 to 100 µm, depending on the accuracy requirements. These steps are repeated until the entire 3D model is completed. Before the post-process the unmelted powders will be removed as well as the support.

How SLS 3D printing benefits for your industry

SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) 3D printing boost the product development for diverse areas. SLS is ideal for producing complex parts with high precision as it can create complex geometries without the requirement for support structures. Also, SLS is versatile and can be used with a wide range of materials, such as glass-filled nylon, TPU, and nylon.

SLS is currently popular used mdeical, aerospace and automotive sectors, for the creation of complex, lightweight parts with high strength-to-weight ratios. Its ability to produce functional prototypes and end-use parts directly from CAD data streamlines product development and reduces time-to-market, which is definitely import for cost saving.

Commonly Used powders for SLS 3D printing

Nylon (Polyamide)

A flexible and durable material offering high impact and temperature resistance. Ideal for functional prototypes, mechanical parts, and tools thanks to its considerable strength.

Glass-Filled Nylon

Nylon mixed with glass beads. Provides enhanced structural rigidity and wear resistance. Suited for high-performance parts in automotive and aerospace industries.


Carbon fiber reinforced nylon. Extremely strong and light, ideal for parts that need to be robust yet lightweight, like drones or end-use tools.

TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane)

Offers flexibility, wear-and-tear resistance, and elasticity. Great for printing parts that require damping and shock absorption, like seals, plugs, and phone cases.

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LUSHI As Long-Term Partner For 3D Printing

LUSHI, renowned globally for its on-demand additive manufacturing solutions, plays a vital role in aiding clients worldwide to acquire top-quality industrial 3D printed parts. Backed by our engineers' extensive experience and profound knowledge of 3D printing technologies, we support clients across various industries in crafting robust, accurate, and economically feasible industrial components. Our approach to on-demand manufacturing significantly reduces lead times and costs, ensuring swift and cost-effective production.

How goes the post-processing in 3D printing

SLS 3D Printing Solution For The Precise End-Use Parts

The aerospace industry exploits SLS 3D printing for producing lightweight, robust parts with complex geometries. This optimizes fuel efficiency and reduces costs in aircraft design.
Across the automotive sector, SLS 3D printing is utilized to make complex parts, custom interiors, and improved experimental designs, speeding up manufacturing and reducing production costs.
Medical Devices
Medical Devices
SLS 3D printing is employed for the production of customizable, biocompatible implants and prosthetics. Its detailed resolution benefits the creation of patient-specific medical applications significantly.
Companies use SLS 3D printing to quickly create precise, complex prototypes, reducing design iteration cycles, improving quality and sparking innovative product development solutions.
Industrial Mold
Industrial Mold
Metal-AM is commonly used for producing conformal cooling systems, which can't be made by conventional methods, to offer more effective productivity.
Supply Chain
Supply Chain
SLS 3D printing bolsters supply chain management by providing on-demand manufacturing capabilities, reducing storage requirements, and eliminating the need for excess inventory.