Carbon Fiber 101: How to Manufacture Custom Carbon Fiber Parts with 3D Printing

Composite materials, or simply composites, are made from a combination of elements that work together to provide qualities that are better than the sum of their individual parts. Carbon fiber is one of the composite materials with great strength and more advantages for industrial applications. Products made from this clever combination of materials are strong, lightweight, resistant to corrosion, and have improved mechanical and physical qualities. Composites are revolutionary in a wide range of areas, from automotive and aerospace to medicine and beyond, because of their versatility and goal-specific nature.

The Evolution of Carbon Fibers in the Current Industry

The discovery of carbon fibers in the latter part of the 20th century was a game-changer for materials science. Because they are composed of organic polymers and are incredibly strong, lightweight, and heat-resistant, carbon fibers are a radical replacement for conventional steel or metal materials used in industry. Benefits including minimum thermal expansion, resistance to different corrosive elements, and dimensional stability were added while manufacturing with carbon fibers. These days, carbon fibers are essential to the creation of several customized parts for a range of sectors, such as industrial, automotive, and aerospace.

Carbon fibers have a truly revolutionary effect in the field of industrial bespoke part fabrication. Prior to the development of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) and other carbon fiber composites, it was neither practical or financially practicable to create intricate structures that were optimized for certain uses out of traditional metals. Carbon fiber-based custom parts have a lower weight and more strength, which greatly improves performance, lowers overall costs, and increases energy efficiency. Today, carbon fibers are radically altering the architecture of these sectors as we examine every component of an automobile or airplane to save even the smallest amount of weight without compromising strength or dependability. The capacity to use carbon fibers to create unique parts is not merely an act of invention; rather, it is driving industrial efficiency and sustainability to new heights.

What is carbon Fiber?

High-strength, high-stiffness fibers embedded in a flexible resin matrix define carbon fiber materials, which are composite materials. Carbon fiber is the main ingredient in these materials. It is a long, thin strand of material that is almost entirely made of carbon atoms. Through their bonding together in small crystals, these atoms produce a structure that increases strength by aligning parallel to the fiber's long axis.

Precursors like polyacrylonitrile (PAN), rayon, or pitch are carbonized in a high-temperature atmosphere to create carbon fibers. After all other elements are eliminated, fibers having a carbon content of more than 90% are produced. The sizes of the resultant fibers range from a few micrometers to more than ten micrometers.

The qualities of the carbon fibers and the kind of resin utilized have a significant impact on the final composite material's attributes. High strength-to-weight ratios are typically exhibited by carbon fiber-reinforced composites, which makes them especially useful in sectors where durability and low weight are crucial, such sports equipment, automobile, and aircraft. The potential range of applications for these materials is further expanded by their resistance to chemical corrosion and high temperatures.

The directionality dependence of the mechanical characteristics of carbon fiber composites is one noteworthy feature. This implies that it is possible to build these composites so that they function best in particular orientations. Anisotropy is a property that is useful in design solutions and is generally not achievable with isotropic materials, such metals.

Notwithstanding all of its advantages, the production of carbon fiber materials is frequently costly and energy-intensive, and the materials' capacity to be recycled is further limited by present technological limitations. As a result, scientists are still searching for methods to lower expenses, boost productivity, and enhance the ecologically friendly qualities of carbon fiber materials.

The Benefits of Carbon Fiber Materials

Because of its remarkable qualities, carbon fiber materials are becoming more and more popular in a variety of industries. This contemporary material has transformed a variety of industries, including aircraft, competitive sports, and medical equipment. Its exceptional blend of high strength, low weight, and great thermal qualities make it stand out.

Elevated Ratio of Strength to Weight

The remarkable strength-to-weight ratio of carbon fiber is its main benefit. Despite weighing almost two thirds less than steel, carbon fiber is five times stronger than steel. This benefit makes it possible to create structures that are both extremely strong and lightweight, which is crucial for use in the wind energy, automobile, and aerospace industries.

Corrosion Inhibition

Carbon fiber exhibits remarkable resistance to a wide range of corrosive chemicals, in contrast to metals that are more likely to corrode with time, especially in hostile conditions. Because of their resilience, carbon fiber products last longer and require less upkeep.

The expansion of heat

The coefficient of thermal expansion is low for materials made of carbon fiber. This implies that they do not appreciably expand or contract in response to temperature variations. Applications where accuracy is crucial, like avionics or high-performance automotive systems, benefit from this steadiness.

High Temperature Tolerance

Numerous carbon fiber composites are suited for use in aerospace applications where drastic temperature fluctuations are frequent because they maintain their characteristics even at high temperatures.

Versatility and Flexibility

Carbon fiber has great design and production adaptability because, despite its strength, it can be shaped into almost any shape or size. This versatility is especially helpful to sectors like the sports gear and car design industry.

Carbon Footprint

Carbon fiber materials, when used in place of heavier metals, can dramatically reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles and aircraft since they are lighter and therefore more fuel-efficient, even though the production process itself has a carbon footprint.

The greatest qualities of numerous materials are combined in carbon fiber, including strength, light weight, durability, and corrosion resistance. Because of these advantages, carbon fiber is becoming a more and more preferred material for innovative applications across a range of sectors. The potential of carbon fiber in material engineering appears to be endless as manufacturing methods advance.

Using SLS 3D printing for Manufacturing Custom Carbon Fiber Parts

SLS 3D printing is the hot topic right now. SLS 3D printing was developed as an additive manufacturing method that builds three-dimensional objects with high resolution by layering together tiny particles of powdered polymer using a powerful laser beam. In contrast to conventional manufacturing techniques, SLS 3D printing makes it possible to create intricate geometries with integrated moving parts, which improves production efficiency while cutting down on the lengthy lead times and associated costs of traditional production chains. SLS 3D printing is transforming traditional production and design constraints with its fundamental idea of "design freedom." It is also opening the door for previously unheard-of breakthroughs and advances in a broad variety of applications.

High precision and dependability in the production of customized carbon fiber parts is made feasible by Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). This technology makes complicated shapes possible by layer-by-layer fusing of powdered material using a laser beam. Specifically for carbon fiber components, SLS allows customers to construct high-strength parts with the perfect weight-to-performance ratio. With the help of specially made carbon fiber reinforced powders, mechanical qualities like stiffness and dimensional stability are improved, which makes this method suitable for demanding applications in a variety of industries like robotics, automotive, and aerospace.

One significant benefit of SLS 3D printing for producing personalized carbon fiber components is its ability to meet individual user needs. SLS easily bridges the gap left by traditional manufacturing techniques when it comes to matching complex designs, unique shapes, or specific functional requirements. Furthermore, because it doesn't require any special tools or molds, it accomplishes so while retaining control over the production process. Because lead times are lower, this method promotes quick prototyping and facilitates an easier transfer from the design to the production phases. SLS 3D printing is feasible for custom carbon fiber parts due to its cost-effectiveness, scalability, and potential for single-part production, among other benefits.

5 Applications of Carbon Fiber Parts in Industrial Uses

Aviation and Aerospace

The aerospace and aviation industries have made substantial use of carbon fiber because of its high strength-to-weight ratio and longevity. For instance, over 50% of the material used to construct Boeing's Dreamliner 787 airplane is reinforced with carbon fiber. This offers strong corrosion resistance, structural integrity, and reduced fuel consumption because of its reduced weight.

Automotive Industry

Another significant industry that uses carbon fiber components is the automotive industry. Due to their low weight and excellent strength, they are usually seen in high-performance automobiles. One famous example of a vehicle that incorporates carbon fiber components is the electric BMW i3. It makes use of a plastic passenger cell reinforced with carbon fiber, which makes the car lighter without compromising safety, which is essential for the efficiency and range of electric vehicles.

Medical Equipment

Several medical devices are made of carbon fiber because of its strength, low weight, and transparency to X-rays. For instance, the ClearVue line of medical imaging tables uses carbon fiber materials to provide lightweight, durable solutions for medical procedures. The patient and the medical team benefit from improved outcomes because these tables cause the least amount of interference during imaging operations.

Renewable Energy

Carbon fiber materials are used in the building of wind turbine blades in the renewable energy sector, particularly in wind energy production. The V 162-5.6 MW wind turbines were designed using carbon fiber by top wind turbine manufacturer Vestas. Because of this, longer, stronger blades that can capture more energy and endure larger wind forces can be produced.

Sport Equipment Manufacturing

In the sports equipment manufacturing industry, carbon fiber is well-known, especially for its use in bicycle, golf, and tennis racket manufacturing. Prominent manufacturer Trek Bicycles creates premium road bikes using carbon fiber frames, which drastically cut the weight of the bike while guaranteeing outstanding performance and durability. In a similar vein, Wilson tennis rackets mix power and toughness with optimal carbon fiber design.

Carbon Fiber 3D Printed Parts by LUSHI ENGINEERING

Our customers do not need to apply professional carbon fiber 3D printers and purchase expensive carbon fiber materials. At LUSHI ENGINEERING, we have prepared all the equipment and raw materials for customizing carbon fiber parts for you, ensuring that our customers enjoy high-quality and affordable printing services. In addition, we also provide complex post-processing services to make your parts the best they can be, both aesthetically and functionally.